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#Dababy released her new album during these quarantine days.

18.05.2020 03:07

Changing fasting rule in the first years of Islam

Because of an incident where Caliph Omar lived,
Did you know that sexual intercourse, which is forbidden to change the rules of fasting, is released?

#Sexuality was prohibited at night, just like during the day.

However, these rules changed later.

We learn from verse 187 of Surat al-Baqara. Let's see
["The night of your fasting was cursed to your women. You are a veil for you and you are a veil for them. God has accepted your application because he knows that you cannot trust your soul. .]

In this verse, it is clearly said that sexual intercourse is released during fasting nights.

Because something had happened!
When fasting was first assumed, there was an application as follows: If the woman or man falls asleep and wakes after the evening iftar, sexual intercourse is no longer until that night. Here, one night, Omar came late to the house, stuck next to the Messenger of Allah. When he came, he wanted to lift his wife and make love to her. The woman also slept while you were away. Therefore, according to the rule, it is haram, it cannot be said. Of course, Ömer did not listen to him and did what he wanted.
And the next day, Omar went to the prophet.
"O Messenger of Allah, I was with my wife after the night prayer, although it was forbidden last night." To the son of Hattap, Ömer; "It didn't suit you, O Omer!" said.

Some of those who witnessed this conversation also admitted that they were with their husbands at night. The Prophet left with sadness and anger. Then, upon this incident (the verse above), you will find a baccarat. 187. The verse came and sexual intercourse was released during fasting nights.

As can be seen, the rules of fasting have changed due to an incident experienced by Hattap son Ömer and the prohibited sexuality has been released.

Now we have to ask, the question is; If Caliph Omar had not come to the prophet and confessed, would today's Muslims still be exposed to this practice?

In my opinion! Caliph Omar; If he said 'I had sexual intercourse during the day'; a great possibility has entered,
today; While fasting #sex was perhaps free, who knows?

Because the caliph Ömer's structure is suitable for this
Someone who does not know the rule ..

How does Islam become a justice sword when Islam becomes a tough man before he becomes a Muslim, and a man who buries his own daughter alive in the ground?
Besides, this man is someone who took the Grandson of the Prophet Ümmü gülsüm into his bosom by using his authority at the age of 10 ...

We said Omar does not recognize this rule!
Caliph was not Ömer's first incident!
There are two similar events!

Ömer's wife having sexual intercourse with her while she is in bedtime

Abdulhamid b. Zayd narrated from ibni'l-Khattab (by transfer) (which, Abdulhamid) said:
Ömer had a wife who did not like sexual relations. He always made excuses when he wanted to deal with him. Then one day, he did not believe in his word and made sex with him. But (this time) he was seen to be telling the truth. Thereupon (Omer) Rasulullah (pbuh) came (he) ordered him to give a fifth of a dinar to charity.

(Source .. Darimi, c.2, p.2 p.433, H.1115, Madce y. 1995-Istanbul
Cem'ul evaid, c.1 p.135, H.864, Iz y. 1996 Istanbul)

(of course, when these are the sources of Islam, it is most likely that she was put to a liar position to save Ömer's reputation)

One day, Omar comes to Muhammad (pbuh) and says, "Oh, I was destroyed (I have committed a serious crime)." "What did you do?" asked Ömer, "I did it from the back (back) while I was having sex with my wife".

The 223th verse of the Surah Al-Baqara, which contains the words of Ömer above "I have perished. Because I made love with my back" ... >>>
>>> "Your women are a field for you. Whatever you wish for your field. Prepare for yourself in advance. Fear Allah, know that you will reach Him. (O Muhammad!) Good news of believers"

I take down a few sources explaining that it landed on it. Different cause-effect relationships are also mentioned in this verse; But, of course, it is Ömer who plays the leading role!
From Tafsir: Cessas, İbni Kesir, Kurtubi, Ibni'l Arabijaberi, Suyuti, Er-Razi, Begavi and many more state that this verse came down upon the above incident in the relevant verse interpretation.

According to this verse, people can experience sexuality with their wives both in the usual way and from the anus; the opinion of those who say this is a fatwa. Among those who advocated this was Imam Ahmet b. Hanbel, Abd b. Imam Suyuti lists names such as Hamit, Tirdizi, Nesai, al-Mevsimli from Abu Ya, Ibni Cerir, İbni Munzir, İbni Ebi Hatem, İbni Hiban, Imam Taberani, Beyhakı, Haraiti, İbni Ömer, Nafi. He even states that: They asked Imam Shafii: Can a man have a relationship with the breech while making love with his wife? He said. He said, "There is no evidence of this, it seems that it is halal / religiously inconvenient." gave the answer.

Even Imam Shafii and Muhammad b. Imam Suyuti states that there was a debate between Hasan on this issue. Muhammad says that if your invention

10.05.2020 02:14

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, mother ties and the impact of mothers on society. It is celebrated in many parts of the world, mostly in March or May, on various days. It completes similar celebrations honoring family members such as Father's Day, Siblings Day and Grandparents Day.

The Modern Mother's Day began in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century with the initiative of Anna Jarvis. This is not (directly) many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have existed in the world for thousands of years, such as Greek cult, related Cybele, Rhea Grandmother of the Gods, Roman festival Hilaria or Christian Mothers Sunday celebrations (originally not motherhood, the Main Church memorial service). However, in some countries Mother's Day is still synonymous with these ancient traditions.

The modern version of Mother's Day derived from the USA has been criticized for being very commercialized. Founder Jarvis himself regretted this commercialization and expressed his views that this was never his intention.

10.05.2020 01:51


Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival originating from the Indian peninsula. It is mainly celebrated in India, but it has also spread to other parts of Asia and parts of the Western world through the diaspora of the Indian subcontinent.

The Holi festival has a cultural significance among the various Hindu traditions of the Indian subcontinent. It is a feast day to eliminate and get rid of past mistakes, end up conflicts by meeting others, forget and forgive. People pay or forgive their debts, cope again with debts in their lives. Holi is also an opportunity for people to enjoy the changing seasons and make new friends in the beginning of spring, the beginning of the new year.


09.05.2020 23:33

Giorgia Angiuli

My love, which is one of the best DJs from Italy. pink techno dj, which performs enormous live performances with its city tones and toys.

I haven't had the chance to listen to him live yet, hope to go to the concert and lose my brain as soon as possible.

09.05.2020 04:08

Duration of vaccines in history

Producing drugs or vaccines should be investigated and carried out with very large restrictions and close follow-up. It is not easy to follow these prosodides and make a new discovery. In addition, the produced drug or vaccine should not affect future human generations and should not cause human genetic damage. Therefore, every step should be carefully planned and implemented. It can take quite a long time to produce a fully efficient medicine or vaccine.

If they find the vaccine in June after the Covid epidemic, those who say I will throw a fink in Miami in July can look at the dates of vaccination below.

Rabies - 4 years, 1881-1885
Rubella - 7 years, 1962-1969
Pertussis - 8 years, 1906-1914
Measles - 9 years, 1954-1963
Flu - 14 years, 1931-1945
Japonencephalitis - 20 years, 1934-1954
Polio - 20 years, 1935-1955
Tuberculosis - 21 years, 1900-1921
Mumps - 22 years, 1945-1967
Human papilloma virus - 23 years, 1983-2006
Hepatitis A - 24 years, 1967-1991
Rotavirus - 26 years, 1980-2006
Smallpox - 26 years, 1770-1796
Yellow fever - 27 years, 1912-1939
Cholera - 30 years, 1854-1884
Chickenpox disease - 34 years, 1954-1988
Hepatitis B - 38 years, 1943-1981
Tick-borne encephalitis - 39 years, 1937-1976
Diphtheria - 40 years, 1883-1923
Tetanos - 40 years, 1884-1924
Hemophilus influenza - 44 years, 1933-1977
Typhoid - 58 years, 1838-1896
Pneumococcus - 66 years, 1911-1977
Meningitis - 68 years, 1906-1974

These have not been vaccinated yet

Ebola - 1976
Aids - 1981
Sars - 2 003
Mers - 2013
Covid-19 - 2019

08.05.2020 21:43

The Midnight Gospel

Midnight Gospel is an American adult animated series created by comedian Duncan Trussell. The story is quite interesting and I can say that the dialogues even prevent animation. He tells the adventures he encountered using a special simulation device in a space popcast channel.

First episode release date: 2020
Program creator: Pendleton Ward

14.05.2020 01:54

Songs you're listening to right now

You can share the songs you listen to instantly under this title. You can hose down occasionally.


14.05.2020 00:46

Social media measurement

Social media monitoring, social media measurement or social listening; is the process of determining and evaluating what is said about the company, individual, product or brand on social media.

The social media monitoring process begins with determining the target to be achieved and the expected result of the process. The expected outcome varies depending on the goal and is usually measured by various indicators.

This is followed by the identification of possible social strategies to be used to achieve the goal. The next step is to develop and configure the strategies developed. Then, creating tools to facilitate the data collection process.

At the next stage, strategies and tools are tracked in real time. This step checks the quality of the data collection methods used. At the final stage, the data collected from the system is analyzed and, if necessary, refined during execution to improve the #methodology used. It ensures that the obtained result is more in line with the target set in the first stage.


04.05.2020 22:38

Star wars day

It is the day that Star Wars fans have unofficially announced holidays to commemorate the Star Wars culture and movie.

May 4 has become a phenomenon in the movie. (Also known as Luke Skywalker day.)

Star Wars Day is an unofficial celebration of Star Wars fans around the world on May 4. Today was chosen for a simple reason for Star Wars - " May the force be with you . - May the power be with you ." It is pronounced similarly ( May the fourth be with you ) due to the word game made about reading the line.

This statement was first congratulated in 1979 for the victory in the election of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (and more specifically, through a press release). May is a very related month with Star Wars - until 2005, the premiere of each episode took place in May (this tradition broke in 2015 on December 18, when the seventh episode premiered).
